Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 19

What's your word count?


  1. Caught a lucky break today - little guy complained of being sick, even though I know he's really not. So the school nurse called and I'm home with him, and managed to blast out 3407 words for the day so far. I plan to do more, not sure when. But maybe I could actually break 5K on the day if I don't have too many interruptions tonight.

    If only I could stay home all the time and do this - I'd average a book a month - first draft anyway!

  2. That's amazing Gianna!
    I didn't get any words written yet, argh. I had a headache and took a long nap, and then I ran errands, took DS to story time, etc etc.

    So after I get home from dinner I'm going to have to bang out 2K. Plus I have to write my advice column.

  3. I did break the 5K mark - 5025 to be exact! Now over 38K for the total. Next chapter should be full of big things, then setting up for the ending. And a few love scenes to write - still tossing them around in my head.

  4. Woohoo Gianna!

    My WC for Thursday was 3408 bringing my total to 38711. I had to adjust my counts since I forgot Wed! ;/

    My goal is to hit 41K today and hopefully finish the novella for my publisher. :)

    Michael M

  5. That's great Michael! Who's your publisher?
