Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Outlining for May 50K

I'm halfway through outlining my May 50K WIP. My goal is to finish outlining the whole ms before starting to write on May 1st.

Anyone else doing any special preparation?


  1. I wrote a very brief outline of the events, just enough to lay out what will happen. No character building or such though, just the basic timeline. It'll probably change a bazillion times before the book is done. :)

  2. Yeah, one of the main reasons I'm outlining is I got two false starts on trying to write this WIP, where I realized I started in the wrong spot and/or revealed too much too soon.

    Thus the outline :)

  3. Did you know this blog is set to CA time? Just noticed that. Not really a problem, just an observation. :)

    I'm going to work on my sci-fi ms. I started it just before my meltdown last year, and have let it stew. It's calling me now, louder by the second! haha I have it planned as a sort of series, and part of the next book is a direct result of events in this one, so I had to leave a couple of notes for book two. The books will actually overlap - is it cheating if I use the exact same scene, word for word in those cases? lol

  4. Oops, I put my outline update on the other post.

    I started outlining my WIP last night. I am hoping the ending will reveal itself to me! I think I may start a fresh draft altogether. With everything I have learned over the last few months I feel like it could be so much better.

  5. I changed it to Eastern time, thanks! I made this blog so quickly yesterday, I literally took 2 minutes to set it up, LOL.

    Tara, if you're writing romance then the ending will ultimately be "and they lived happily ever after" :)

    I like to end books with a marriage proposal. That's gonna be tricky with my new WIP since the characters will already be married, in a marriage-of-convenience type plot :)

  6. LOL! So you don't think the big divorce scene is a good idea?

  7. Well, if the big divorce scene (or big break up scene) happens right before the end of the book as the "black moment", and then they make up and live HEA, I'm all for it! :) Adds *drama* and makes it all the more exciting when they get together :)

  8. I am writing my WIP, as per usual. Though it's already at 90k, and I wrote at least 1k a day, and, yeah, May50k would be way too much for this one thing. So halfway through I'll be starting the next novel, or getting back to editing. Which is typing up its prequel. Yay for chaos!

  9. I'm in! WIP is almost done, first round, so I can fart around with edits in between working on a new project for the 50k club. :D

  10. I'm working on my outline. I'm trying to sort the ending now. Then I'll have to read through it all to figure out what's missing. Currently, I think I might be missing my 'black moment.' Yikes!!! Better get that sorted out soon.

  11. We've got three more nights, counting tonight, to outline, and then if for some reason I haven't finished I'm just going to start writing with what I have...

  12. In the middle of the night I came up with a huge plot twist, so I emailed the editor I'm writing my sooper sekrit project for and asked her if it worked for her and she said yes, so now I have my black moment and ending all figured out. I'm pretty much good to go now I think!

    I just hope I have time tomorrow to finish the outline completely. I'm having a ton of people over so I'm doubting I'll get much done, yikes!
