Well, between lunchtime and a quiet house for the last 45 minutes, I managed to get 1883 words so far. But now it's time to review my outline, I forgot what's supposed to happen next! lol
I managed a total of 2856 for a total today. May still squeeze in a few more later. But the numbers, while in different sequence, are eerily similar to Del's! Spooky! lol
Wish I was at Panera, hell I'll take Rite-Aid at this point! Anywhere, just to go out! :)
I'm not sure yet. We have dance competition this weekend, but it appears they're actually dancing on Sunday morning. But I have to see who has games on Saturday. Two athletes - double the fun! lol
I just kicked in another 665 for a grand total of 3521 on the day, and I broke 20K on this thing. Gotta hit a similar number tomorrow.
Yay. Came back to do a bit more, so I ended up at 3200 for the day. I need to go back and tally up my daily counts - working on different pieces means I'm not really sure what my total word count is at this point!
OK, so I'm up about 1,500 words today, but none of it's on my project directly. Again.
I realized that I'm getting a ton of writing done for other projects. Had that brain wave today, so tomorrow I can get to focusing on this project first.
OH MY!!! Look at all those rockin' Wednesday counts! I got 56 words--BUT I have managed to write something every single day since May 1 which is a personal victory. Hoping for a big number today.
Well, between lunchtime and a quiet house for the last 45 minutes, I managed to get 1883 words so far. But now it's time to review my outline, I forgot what's supposed to happen next! lol
ReplyDelete2586, spread out over two different projects!
ReplyDeleteThat's great guys! I wrote 1K this morning and tonight I hope to write another 1K at least. That's the plan.
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm at Panera with Heather Thurmeier, getting absolutely no writing done, LOL
I managed a total of 2856 for a total today. May still squeeze in a few more later. But the numbers, while in different sequence, are eerily similar to Del's! Spooky! lol
ReplyDeleteWish I was at Panera, hell I'll take Rite-Aid at this point! Anywhere, just to go out! :)
2K added to my WIP today! I'm now 17K into this 50K ms.
ReplyDeleteGianna, I'll be going to the HVRWA meeting this Sat, will you?
I'm not sure yet. We have dance competition this weekend, but it appears they're actually dancing on Sunday morning. But I have to see who has games on Saturday. Two athletes - double the fun! lol
ReplyDeleteI just kicked in another 665 for a grand total of 3521 on the day, and I broke 20K on this thing. Gotta hit a similar number tomorrow.
Yay. Came back to do a bit more, so I ended up at 3200 for the day. I need to go back and tally up my daily counts - working on different pieces means I'm not really sure what my total word count is at this point!
ReplyDeleteOK, so I'm up about 1,500 words today, but none of it's on my project directly. Again.
ReplyDeleteI realized that I'm getting a ton of writing done for other projects. Had that brain wave today, so tomorrow I can get to focusing on this project first.
Woot, 4060 was my count for Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteI'm very excited!
Congrats to every one on your WC!
@Rawiyamikembl on Twitter
S.Lira aka Michael M
OH MY!!! Look at all those rockin' Wednesday counts! I got 56 words--BUT I have managed to write something every single day since May 1 which is a personal victory. Hoping for a big number today.