Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 9

What's your word count?


  1. 2636 words today, quite happy about that;) I only have time to write after the kids are in bed, and this evening my youngest DS decided he didn´t want to sleep, and woke an hour or so after he´d fallen asleep:S So I haven´t exactly had the whole evening for myself, but when he fell asleep again I got some work done:)

  2. Where do you live, Josefine? I ask bc it's only just after 5pm here in NY! :) I'm waiting till DS goes to sleep as well.

  3. Well, this weekend I didn't get much of anything done. I spent a ton of time with the family and relaxing which was wonderful! Since I last posted a word count, I've managed to clock 2609. Not sure how I did that. 1k was from today. The rest must have happened in little sprints throughout the weekend. If my math is correct, I've written 11,083! How did that happen?! Woot!

  4. That's great Heather! I should have attempted those little sprints over the weekend. Instead I felt like if I couldn't devote a bunch of time I may as well not bother writing at all, which obviously isn't true.

    Tonight I wrote 1500 and I am going to write another 1K before bed. I need to catch up!

    I have 13,400 words on this WIP right now.

  5. 1155 for the day - still don't have my PC hooked up, though I do have it back, and this laptop keyboard is killing me. It keeps jumping me all over the document, and I have to stop and delete and move back to where I was. So annoying! 16,617 total for the WIP, I'm running about 8K for the month, already had 8K of it written. But no real obstacles the next few evenings, so I'm hoping to get a bunch more done this week.

  6. I wrote 2680 words tonight and finished Chapter 5 on my WIP! Now I'm 14,140 words in!

  7. Gianna, you can buy a separate keyboard for like $15. It connects via a wire to the side of the laptop. So much easier! I also use a separate mouse and mousepad.

  8. I have one, but I only have two USB ports, and I work on a flash drive. SO I either have to transfer the files over, which I try not to do if I can avoid it, since it's my work PC. The other port is for the mouse, since my touchpad is messed up too. I need a new one, but I have to wait, big push on freezing spending. The technology gods are conspiring against me! lol

  9. Can you bring a laptop in from home?

  10. Can't write at work, except on Fridays. I did get my computer back and it is functional, but I have to set it up, and I just didn't have time today. Tomorrow when I get home, I'll get it running and hopefully be able at least work with it until I can get it back to the way it was.

  11. I decided to take a break today and only did 907. I am very satisfied with that since that 5k yesterday was a brain scatterer!

    :) Congrats everyone on their great word counts!

    @rawiyamikembl on Twitter

  12. 1,279 today, all on my WIP. I'm in Chapter four. Ecstatic to have slayed the "first two chapters then stall" beast. Pantsing it seems to agree with me this time. WAY TO GO SHOSHANNA and everyone else. I love seeing the word counts.

  13. Only 790 for 5/9. Trying to do better for 5/10, especially as I got f*&%-all done this weekend!
