Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 28

Getting close! Count down! 4 days left, including today! What's your word count?


  1. My WC for the day 2365 which put me at 58.5.

    I thank you again Shoshanna! This really helped to get my butt in gear. I write just about everyday but having everyone's input did make it a lot more fun! :)


  2. 1,182 for the day. Not bad for a day when I worked and had fussy, fussy kids. I'm not going to hit 50K, but I'd be so excited to pass 25K by the 31st. May is one of my busiest months, so I'm just so proud of myself for doing this. Planning to just keep going in June. Every. Single. Day.

  3. You guys have kicked butt! Writing everyday is such a great way to keep the words flowing. Thank you for joining me in the challenge. You also really helped keep me motivated.

    I wrote 2K yesterday, and today all I have to do it write my epilogue and I'll be done with my WIP.

    I'll finish a couple K under 50K, but since I haven't been counting my blog posts and advice columns toward my word count, I know my "real" word count is definitely 50K by now.

    Also, I always have to add stuff when I go back and reread a ms. So I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be able to read through my book and revise as needed so I can send it to my agent and hopefully sell it!

    Don't forget that I also have a regular blog,, where I challenge you to write 1K a day, every day. I usually post every week or so with an interview or an article that will be interesting to writers.
